Posted on: Monday, September 12, 2005
Posted at: 9/12/2005 06:41:00 PM
finally.. i get the peace once again.. after all the exam panic and hype.. my brain was almost is "accelerated" mode as i only took abt 4-5hr of sleep per day.. now kinda finding it hard to sleep beyond 9 hr.. last time can sleep abt 14hr straight.. haha.. time pass and ppl change i guess.. last week was kinda tough for me.. esp the AIMM paper.. sigh.. got caught REALLY off.. cos till then, no paper ever gaf a long qn from the term test as its long qn in the main paper.. doubt can score high.. cos, totally skipped that part and another part(the clonal selection) that he didnt say was impt.. and the "not so impt part" cost me 10 marks.. sick.. but it kinda prepared me for the next two papers.. PCT and MGEN.. cos i really studied thoroughly.. hope i can score good enuff to make up for the mistakes in my AIMM paper.. :) downloading bleach now.. going to watch it once i finish downloading.. heard that it was nice last sem.. jus lazy to try.. now i try la.. nth else to watch le.. haha... anyone wan to ask me out, feel free to.. haha.. kinda bored at home too..