Posted on: Thursday, August 25, 2005
Posted at: 8/25/2005 06:46:00 PM
been a weird wk.. started off wif nOOb "editing" our csas.. then found out that he actually tried to screw us up.. now csas cant even get more than C le.. sigh.. then on tuesday, found out from justina that nOOb actually very bad behind our back.. WTF. Then today, got the "conversation" btw nOOb and her on that day.. was like WTF! he damn dao loh.. then act till like damn pro.. even say till tan siew lui wrong then he right liddat.. ASSHOLE!! then he do diff way.. i mean like, if tan gonna mark it, do it her way la, why mark it difficult for urself.. she is the pro wat, not u.. then he go change everything then say wat he wan to sleep early then drag till so long and make other ppl cannot sleep and then sick also.. feel so cheated even my evaluation score for him was alrd quite low. nOOb sux.. thats the conclusion sia.
Another thing that pretty bad for me is the no. of tests this week sia..
PCT pract test nth we learn one.. really mus think alot sia.. its either fail or score well, depend on pham le.. then Bchem even worse... want to smack dr lim sia.. he say vry ez.. come out all the qn so darn hard one... dunno wat he doing sia.. almost the whjole Lt remained that for the whole duration of the test.. some ppl cannot finish also.. i lucky la.. jus finish.. but sigh.. think wun be good this time round.. and there was the fpath quiz.. difficult cos i nv really memorise.. hard la.. 3 quizes on that day mah.. (bchem pract, fpath and UIR) the uir one was most shiok.. go in 15min come out. got 25/30.. respectable bah.. hope to kena a A for uir... :) at least can lessen the dmg done by nOOb on my overall..
also played dota this wk alot.. wif ethan online!!! hurray.. and zg also.. haha.. midnite.. jus last nite only.. fun.. after exam can chiong liao.. for now, i tink i stop. :) exams coming, mus gif it a final push.. wish me luck bah.. also luck for others.. (except noob..)