Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Posted on: Monday, June 16, 2008
Posted at: 6/16/2008 06:36:00 PM
Got this game a few mths back.. around march, when i was still on course.. From the first min i got it, i was impressed by the graphics of the cutscenes in the game.. absolutely stunning, similar to what we got in advent children, only, this is A GAME. The story begins with an easy mission to slay a behemoth, allowing the user to get used to the new combat mode as well as it limit-breaker system.
As the story unfolds, the game increases it difficulty level progressively. Stronger monsters emerge, as well as status effects and advanced spells, made available through the use of materia, something that should not be too unfamiliar for avid FF fans. Summons are made through the new jackpot system, as with the limitbreakers. Summon CGI are impressive, though, the transition back to regular gameplay may leave some hardcore gamers with a sour after-taste. The highlight of this game is the battle with sephiroth, and his "demise", a familiar scene in the memories of FF fans.
From zack's first mission to his promotion to 1st-class soldier, to his relationships with the various characters( and ultimately, his death) the story brings the user through an emotional roller-coaster as Soldier legend Zack Fair, the predecessor of Cloud Strife in the FFVII series.
Besides the normal story mode, which is probably worth about 12hrs of gameplay, there is the mission mode whereby the user can take on single missions to achieve certain goals, some of which, are linked to the storyline. The ultimate boss in this mode is the the goddess of the world, with millions of health, proved to be one hard cookie for many.
A game to enjoy for both FF fans and casual gamers, i will have to agree that the end result will lead to a sudden thirst for more FFVII. Remake, anyone?
Labels: crisis core, FFVII, game