Posted on: Monday, October 11, 2004
Posted at: 10/11/2004 09:43:00 PM
hehe.. today very the happy! wake up bright and early at 8am.. went jogging abit (haven done it for quite a long time..) and then came home to online abit.. met ZG at hougang mall got myself one real cool game.. X-men Legends.. something like diablo series.. mutant powers!!! Then, Zg came over to my hse.. played the x-men game.. turned out to be a RPG adventure game.. haha.. very nice.. walked arnd blasting evil villians.. hehe.. played for a LONG time.. haha!! very cool.. haha.. :) best thing is the in-game switching between diff heros.. haha! i mainly switch between storm, wolverine whereas, ZG likens Jean grey and Cyclops.. occassionally, iceman, rogue and beast gets sub in for their diff uses.. haha! REALLY had fun today.. :) only disappointing event today: the outing on tuesday(tomorrow wif ethan, aaron and ZG) got postponed as ethan and aaron had stuff on tml.. sigh.. really gonna miss mr cutie pie(aaron) and mr Muffin(ethan).. guess haf to make do wif having only ZG for now.. but sorta happy i at least have ZG around. :) haha!!! looking forward to the days ahead!
*note: maybe gonna work during holidays, depend on results.. if good results den i go work, if not, gonna bia and chiong like hell for the supp exams le! haha!